Thursday, May 29, 2008

Well...38 weeks and counting! Hopefully baby will decide to make his appearance in the next little while...I don't want to think about waiting up to four more weeks!!! Everything is good, but I am so uncomfortable at this stage! We had somematernity photos taken earlier this week, so I will post my belly shots for all to see when I get them back!!!

Anyway...we are busy getting ready for this baby- all the newborn clothes have been washed and folded; the blankets, washcloths, towels and bassinet sheets are ready to go, and a stock of newborn diapers has been laid in! We are ready. I think. Although...since we are still undergoing renovations and reorganization, baby's room isn't truly ready yet. But that's OK...he will bunk in with us in his cozy bassinet for the first few months since it is so much easier to do night feedings that way. That will give us a chance to first get Grayson's big boy room ready, and then paint and move the baby furniture into the nursery. No ain't going anywhere!!!

Unfortunately in the midst of all the fun and exciting baby stuff, we have also been dealing with some sad events in my family. My dear mom was diagnosed with Alzheimers disease back in January 2007. She had been pretty stable until about 2 months ago, but since then her decline has been very rapid. Her doctor and my dad finally decided it was time to hospitalize her last week as she did not recognize dad anymore and she was becoming very angry and and agitated easily. She was also beginning to wander away from their home and had a bad fall outside on Mother's Day, so her safety was bcoming a real concern. Right now she is in the Foothills Hospital awaiting the first available bed in a care facility. We always knew she would eventually need full time care, but we didn't think it would come so fast, or be so difficult a process to go through. It is heartbreaking to see her so confused and not recognizing the people she loves. We can only hope that the facility she gets into is homey and friendly and makes her feel safe and comfortable.

Here is one of my favourite pictures of mom and I taken last September by our good friend, photographer Tracy McLeod:

I seem to be having some problems posting images (this photo took 25minutes to upload!) so I will try later tonight to post some layouts. (I will have to get my techno-geek hubbie to help me when he gets home!)
Happy scrapping,

PS...I also have been reading Stacy Julian's latest book Photo Freedom which was on my wish list, so I'll have to share with you some of the great tips and tricks she passes on to help all us scrapbookers get over our guilt about not ever being "caught up" in our albums. Oh, and I added her blog site to my sidebar list...check it often! I love that gal! :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008


My friend and co-Creative Memories consultant Julie and I held our semi-annual scrapbooking retreat last weekend at the cozy Westridge Country Inn in beautiful Canmore, Alberta last weekend. What a great time! We only had a small group of 14 ladies this time, but that added to the fun and intimate atmosphere.

Our theme was "Express Yourself", and from Friday evening until Sunday at noon, that's exactly what these ladies did! They created 477 scrapbook pages! WOW! I even got 8 layouts done myself! (I'll post some of them as soon as I get a chance to take pics of them.) It was wonderful to see their various styles and approaches and to get ideas from each other. Two ladies spent a good amount of time sorting through YEARS of pics as well, tossing and organizing and getting so much accomplished! Julie and I taught some sessions on digital photo organization and scrapbooking and creating gifts (especially for Father's Day) using scrapbook supplies and techniques. Everyone had a great time and went home refreshed. Here are some pics:

We will definitley be holding another retreat sometime in late October or early November, probably at the Westridge again, so watch my blog for more info.

Only 2 or 3 more weeks until our second baby comes along, and I have to admit that I am ready to meet him! This pregnancy has been fraught with many issues, big and small, and I won't miss being pregnant this time around! I will be sure to post the news and pics as soon as he arrives!

Happy scrapping!


Monday, May 5, 2008

Two websites and a blog

I just wanted to quickly share with you a few places to visit on the web that I love!

1) First up...BIG PICTURE SCRAPBOOKING! If you like Simple Scrapbooks magazine (who doesn't???!!!) and Stacy Julian, then you may already know about this great learning resource. Stacy founded this site as a sort of online classroom where scrappers can come and take courses on various aspects of creativity and scrapbooking. There are ever changing workshops, projects and classes being offered, some of which are FREE! I encourage you to have a look and download some of the free offerings - they are truly inspiring!

2) Another awesome online learning site...FISKARS TV! I love Fiskars tools, but I had no idea that they had a site with great how-to video episodes! I watched about 10 tonight and there are lots more I am going back for! They feature big names in scrapbooking - like Stacy Julian, Wendy Smedley and Leah Fung - sharing project ideas and demonstrating how to use Fiskars tools. And after each new episode there is a giveaway of Fiskars products that is to die for! Love it!

3) It's silly, I know, but I am pretty excited about actually being featured on someone elses blog! I had emailed LECIA FORREST a week or so ago because I read on her blog that she had taken the same beginners digital scrapbooking class that I did back in April during Scrapbooker's Paradise "Camp Croppin"! So I dropped her a note to agree with her and I included my first digital layout from the class (see my blog post from April 14). Well, wasn't I surprised to see her feature my layout on her blog today! Back in January when I started this blog I talked about becoming part of the scrapbooking community and sharing my work and ideas, and it is so exciting to actually have that starting to happen! I think I might start posting and commenting in a few more places so I can continue to SHARE! It's addictive!

I love scrapbooking and I love scrapbookers who also want to share and build community!

Happy Scrapping...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Day out with Thomas

What a great day we had seeing Thomas the Tank Engine! Heritage Park is a historical village themed park in Calgary which has an old CPR steam train as one of it's attractions, and Thomas was able to come and actually pull the steam train and give rides! There was lots of other things going on too...Thomas themed games, crafts & entertainment, storytelling, a HUGE gift store, and pictures with both Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt! (OK, if you don't know who I am talking about, you probably don't have pre-school boys in your house!) Of course we had to do the traditional excursion to the bakery in the Park where they make old fashioned breads and pastries - their cinnamon buns, sour-dough bread and gingerbread men cookies were not to be missed! We joined our good friends Wendy and PJ along with their two kids Amy and Sean for the adventure and a good time was had by all! I could really feel that I was 34 weeks pregnant though...2 hours in the Park running after an excited three-year old was enough to put me down for a two and a half hour nap afterwards!

One of the things I love about digital scrapbooking is it's immediacy...after G. went to bed tonight I downloaded the photos from my camera, chose my papers and embellishments right from my computer, got started with my layout and was done within about 1/2 hour! I did buy some cute Thomas themed paper though, so I think I will probably do a traditional layout for G's album as well! Here's the digital LO I did:

"Day out with Thomas", 12 x 12 digital double page layout by Noreen Smith. Storybook Creator Plus software; Primary Digital kit by Creative Memories; Arial Narrow and Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed fonts.

Next weekend is Mother's Day as well as my semi-annual scrapbboking retreat in Canmore for my Creative Memories customers. I am really looking forward to it, but I have a lot of prep work to do for it, which will be my task for this week! (PS...I am so excited by some of the new traditional and digital Creative Memories products that will be coming out next month, but I can't spoil the surprise here yet!)

And, I am still working hard on my new website, but it will still be a few weeks before it is up and running - I want to get it right before I go live, but I'll make sure to post the link here as soon as it is up!

Happy Scrapping!