We headed out on Saturday morning, but our trip did not start out auspiciously! Since we are contemplating replacing my Jeep with a mini-van, we decided to rent one for our trip. But when we went pick it up, the rental agency had no vans (flashback to the Seinfeld episode where Jerry is at the car rental counter saying "A reservation means you HOLD the car."!!!) They eventually got one from another location just fine and we were off - just an hour later than we had intended. Then we hit construction coming out of Calgary which set us back more. By this time we needed a coffee, but it ended up taking 25 minutes in line to get it at the Crossfield Tim Horton's we stopped at. Well, it was lunch time and we had barely got out of Calgary! So we ate our sandwiches in the car instead of at the rest stop we usually go to, but we were confident that we were on our way. WRONG! The weather was not great, with blowing snow and lots of clouds and fog. About an hour later just north of Red Deer traffic slowed to a crawl along the highway. We sat in bumper to bumper stop and go traffic for about an hour and 20 minutes. It turned out a terrible accident at the Blackfalds turnoff - with rescue vehicles and everything - had been the cause of the slow down. As we continued driving, our complaining stopped as we thought of the people who had been hurt in the accident. So even though we ended up getting into Lloydminster about 6:30 instead of 4:00 as planned, we were just thankful we got there safe. We had a quick dinner and then Grayson and I played in the hotel swimming pool and hot tub while Shane got Sam bathed and ready for bed.
On Sunday we had breakfast with Shane's dad and did a little bit of shopping. Then it was off to Shane's Aunt Pat and Uncle Roy, who hosted about 35+ family members for Thanksgiving lunch/dinner. I don't know how Pat does it! When I was growing up there was only mom, dad and I and my aunt, uncle and cousin for family holiday suppers. All the rest of the family was overseas or out of province. So I love going up to Lloyd and joining in on the big family feast where there is lots of noise and visiting and eating off your lap wherever you can find a seat! It's crazy and wonderful! Sunday evening was spent with more extended family at Shane's Aunt Marilyn and Uncle George's place. Shane's brother Darcy and his lovely girlfriend Maja were also up in Lloyd so we got to catch up with them, and there were some other kids for Grayson to play with. It was a busy day and a late night, but we all enjoyed it so much. My only regret is that I didn't get any pictures as I left both my iPhone and my camera packed at the hotel. Next year? For sure!
Monday morning we had a quick breakfast with Grandpa Bert then stopped to have coffee with Shane's Aunt and Uncle and to pick up some homegrown veggies. We were on the road back to Calgary by 12:00. The boys (who were exhausted!) slept and Shane and I had some quiet time to chat - it seems our road trips are one of the only times we can have extended conversations! It was an uneventful drive and we got home in time for supper, baths and bed no problem. A short, busy but lovely Thanksgiving trip.
On the way home, Grayson piped up from the backseat and asked - "Mom what are YOU thankful for?" He has been talking about Thanksgiving at home and at school and last week he brought home these:
I am loving getting these artifacts in his backpack every couple of days and getting the chance to have him tell me what thay did at school. I love hearing his new songs and rhymes and hearing what Mrs. Markowsky (whom he adores!) says each day. I love seeing his name get more and more legible and his drawings get more and more detailed and intricate. (The teacher in me has been trying to get him to write and draw for the past couple of years to no avail - but after only a few days/weeks at school, he loves writing and drawing. Go figure.)
Anyway, today is another snowy. blowy day, but there is no school as we have a five day weekend here. So we will hunker down to stay warm and tackle the piles of laundry, put away all the detrius of the trip and get the rest of the week organized. I need to get back to doing meal plans so I stay on top of groceries and cooking. And I need to back to work on October's SMS newsletter and post a few more products on the site. Sigh...my break is over but I am so thankful I had it!
I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving - have a great week!
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