Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekly Menu

After cleaning out the pantry and freezer in January and serving soup all week last week to sick boys, I am finally back to planning for a "normal" week! Here's mine...but make sure to go to for hundreds more ideas!

Monday: Perogies and Ham Sausage with Veggies & Dip

Tuesday: Crock Pot Rotisserie Chicken, Rice, Mixed Vegetables

Wednesday: Speedy Salsa Chicken Quesadillas, Veggies & Dip (We have a lot of leftover veggies from Sunday's birthday party!)

Thursday: Shane at a meeting so the boys and I will have buffet of leftovers!

Friday: Homemade Pizza, Green Salad

Saturday: Girls night out! The boys are on their own! (My bet is they'll have Kraft Dinner or Soup)

Sunday: Ham, Schwartzies' Potatos (I make a half recipe when it's just the family) Peas & Carrots, Homemade Dinner Rolls

I won't have a big grocery shopping list since I did a big stock up shop last week. CO-OP was having their 10 for $10.00 sale and although I spent $236.00, I still saved huge! Drum roll please....

Between the great sale prices, value savings card, gas coupons and vendor coupons, I saved $98.53! Awesome! I even got some free items...just like my money saving friends in the US! For example, Bush's Baked Beans were on sale for $1.00 and I had several $1.00 off coupons. FREE BEANS! It was great watching the total come down and down and down! And yes, I know this is still a very large amount of money, but the pantry and freezer are now once again well stocked after last months Eat From the Freezer cleanout! was a bit of a high saving all the money...I can see whay people get "addicted" to couponing!

Did you get any great deals this week?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is a lot of savings! I just recently started shopping sales and using coupons, and I average about $200 a month of grocery savings - not bad! We are using the savings for a small vacation this summer..

