Friday, June 6, 2008

Baby...where are you?

NO BABY YET. Arrrggghhh!

I went to the Doctor yesterday for my 39 week appointment, and because I was having a lot of contraction-like pains and pressure, I was told to go over to the Hospital to get assessed. But, even though I was in fact having contractions, they weren't regular or close enough together, my water hadn't broken and my blood pressure was OK, so they sent me home. Sheesh. I was hoping baby would be here because I am just so uncomfortable. It wasn't this bad with Grayson near the end, but then again I was induced at just 38 weeks, so I guess I didn't experience the last couple of weeks with him. Oh well...I am just praying that I don't go will I cope for up to THREE MORE WEEKS????

In the meantime I am trying to stay comfy on the couch, doing a lot reading and surfing my favorite websites and blogs. I am also recategorizing my photos based on Stacy Julian's Library of Memories System. Instead of keeping all my photos in chronological order and being (somewhat) forced to scrapbook events as they happen, I am triaging my photos into categories such as "People We Love, Things We Do, Places We Go and All About Us" These categories allow me to view my photos more easily, especially when I am thinking about doing a layout about the effect a certain person, place or thing has on me. I am seeing connections and new possibilities for my scrapbooking, and I am only getting started!

I was helping dad organize the pantry at his place the other day so he can cook for himself a little easier, and we came across my mom's recipe box. Now, my mom has never been the best cook around, but she certainly had her specialities, so I am glad to have found them recorded in her own handwriting. I think I will scan some of them and combine it with photos to create a little mini-recipe book based on some of her (and my!) favorites. I am going to use Creative Memories new 7x5 inch softcover format of their Storybook ('s very affordable at $18.95 for 20 pages,and like all the CM Storybooks is of highest quality!) I will (TRY to) post it when I am done (Lord knows when that will be eh???) If you have any layouts or projects using recipes, I'd love to see them!

Poor G. has a head cold right now and is zonked out on the couch after getting up at 4:30 this morning because he couldn't breathe. Even though it's only 8:30-ish am, I think I will join him for a little nap.

Keep your fingers crossed that baby comes along soon...
Happy scrapping,

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