Sunday, June 8, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away

This is one of Grayson's favorite songs to sing...although he always sings "come and GET another day" instead of "come AGAIN another day"! What a Q-T-PIE! Well has been raining for a few days now and it is just miserable. This is not June weather. This is not summer. I protest! I was surfing some of my favorite blogs last night when I couldn't sleep and gals were complaining that it was getting too hot for them...I can only wish! The joys of living in the sub-tundra, eh?

Having said that, I did get a lot done in the past couple of days. Not being able to stand (my back is killing me since the baby dropped) I have been spending a lot of time sitting at my computer and scrap table. This is what I accomplished:

  • Did a digital layout to include in a colleagues retirement album
  • Finished and ordered a hard bound Storybook of the family photos taken LAST FALL!
  • Sorted 2 years of photos into Storage Binders, and set up my Category Drawers for special photos (a la Stacy Julian's LOM system!)

  • Completed an article I have been working on for submission to Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine (did I mention I am nervous as heck???)

  • Did a layout that I am contemplating submitting to SimpleScrapbooks Magazine (the deadline is today, so I have to decide!!! Still nervous!) Edited....OK...I DID submit my LO to Simple Scrapbooksalong with a couple of others that I had originally posted on my blog (so I had to remove them until I hear back) Wish me luck!

  • Sorted and organized some new embellishments and alphabet sets and continued to label and organize bins inside my scrapping cupboards

  • Wrote a newsletter for my CM Customers (going out today)

  • Worked on some photos in my computer...deleting doubles and touching up others

  • Surfed some blogs and websites and looked through some magazines for ideas
  • Edited...I forgot...I also made up a digital baby announcement template so when the little guy arrives I can pop in the pertinent info and send it of! I hope you get to see it soon!!!

Not bad for a rainy weekend eh? I think I got so much done because I have a space dedicated to my scrapbooking. I can leave out work in progress and when I have time I can come back to it. It helps, even when you only have 5 or 10 spare minutes. I LOVE IT! And I am so glad it is in our new rec room so G. and I can be down there togeher...he playing in his playroom (or where I found him yesterday - in the storage room playing with Shane's tools- yikes!) and me working on projects. When baby # 2 comes, I think it will be a good space to spend our days. Life is good eh?Now if that rain would just go away...

Happy Scrapping!


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