He is pretty content and relaxed overall.
He likes - no, LOVES to eat! He weighed 9 lbs 2.5 oz at his two week check-up, up from 8 lbs 14 oz birth weight.
He has some gas issues that make him fussy, probably because he loves to eat.
He likes to fall asleep eating.
He can sleep 4 -5 hours at night, but only 2 -3 during the day. (I'm glad it's not the other way around.)
He seems to be practicing baby Tai Chi moves when awake.
He doesn't like soothers.
He likes car rides.
He likes the fuzzy blanket with the cars on it.
He likes baths.
He likes to pee in the bath.
He likes to pee as soon as his diaper is off.
He responds to voices by turning his head to look at you.
He is a growler, not a grunter.
He is a little lovey and is adored by us all!
Here are a few more pics:

First bath...he was not so sure if he liked it during the bath, but boy was he relaxed after!
My three boys...aren't I a lucky woman!
In the midst of this new love affair with Sam, life continues around us. Grayson got a new big boy bed and tried out some big boy underwear. Our friend Tracy McLeod came to take some GREAT newborn pictures. My God-daughter Payton celebrated her first communion. We have been visiting with some friends and family and enjoying the warm weather. But perhaps the best (but bittersweet) news is that mom finally has a placement in a wonderful nursing home. It is one that Dad and I really hoped she would get into, as it is specifically for dementia and Alzheimers patients. The care is great and the setting is homey and pleasant. She will move in on Wednesday and we will bring in some of her furniture and pictures so she will have some familiar things around her. It will be so much better for her than being in the hospital.
So, in between feeding my little greedy guts, I have been working on my website (yes, I know I thought it would be up a long time ago!!!!) and putzing around the house as much as possible. I'm doing lots of reading and resting when I can, but no scrapbooking yet as I can't really navigate the stairs to the basement very well. I am positively itching to do some layouts of my sweet boy(s)!
All in all, life is crazy, but yes, oh so good. I feel very blessed.
Happy Scrapping! Oh...and Happy Canada Day tomorrow!
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